Friday, January 22, 2010

The Bonster

Anyone who knows me knows The Bonster. She is not just my daughter, she is what keeps me sane. And, yes, there is a level of madness that I consider "sane".

The Bonster is not your typical preschool girl. Her favorite movie is "Cars", her imaginary friend is Superman, and I'm told she has the makings of a great wide receiver. She knows her Disney Princesses (hard not to these days), and can dress up with the best of them, but she also loves helping Daddy with any project that will allow her to go outside and get dirty.

What I love most about The Bonster is her imagination. The world that my Bonster lives in would be a great place to visit. I'd likely find it familiar to my own - she has an office where you can find everything under the sun, including her very own Temple at the front desk. She owns a car that is just like Mama's, but red. It isn't anything like Daddy's car, even though Daddy's car is practically a red version of Mama's. (I think the difference is in the number of toys and discarded jackets in the back seat.) She has spaghetti for breakfast everyday, and goes shopping when the mood strikes her.

I look forward to the next figment of her imagination that she cares to share with me, and I will never doubt that they are as real to her as Mr Bleep-O-Bleep-O-Bleep was (is?) to me.

1 comment:

  1. imagination world is the best.. i always hope that one day i will wake up and realize that the everyday life is just a part of imagination world as well...


 Hey - look at that.  It's been a month, and I've not updated.   The Hair On Fire never really goes out around here.  It's Girl ...