Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cool Email Address

One of our employees has an email address that begins "bcopacetic".

I like that! What are some cool email addresses that you have seen? (Audrey - you can't list your own!)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I must be getting old...

I used to be able to do 14 things at once, all of them requiring major commitments of time, and not bat an eye. I'm getting old.

As my coworkers know (or at least the ones who haven't been living under a rock since July), we are making lots of changes to how we do things on the HR and Payroll side. One of these changes is a new Time and Attendance system. It's a great system, way easier to work with than the old one, and it will cut our payroll processing time down by at least 3 hours. Unfortunately, as we slowly roll this out to the company over 5 pay periods, I am beginning to realize why they suggested we take a slower pace - there is nothing worse than doing payroll in TWO systems. We had to triple check everything we did, and I am sure that someone's check got messed up. Hopefully it's a minor problem, easily fixed, and not causing major hiccups to someone's cash flow. In case you're wondering, I feel worse when it's my mistake than when it's yours, and I really hate when it's a big hit to someone who can't take a big hit.

In addition to what's going on at work, I have two baby quilts to make, two challenge quilts, a pirate costume, and I just volunteered to help make costumes for a local children's theater.

Why yes, I am crazy. Why do you ask?

 Hey - look at that.  It's been a month, and I've not updated.   The Hair On Fire never really goes out around here.  It's Girl ...