Saturday, March 6, 2010


I spent two and a half hours crafting a post. I re-wrote it twice, because it was basically a post saying that we have 1100+ employees, and managers are just going to have to step up and do their jobs if they want payroll to be perfect every time, and that's not the kind of stuff I really want to post without a careful review.

And this piece of cr@p laptop that I was given as a loaner after my last piece of cr@p laptop died just went and deleted it because between the gremlin "m"s, the so-sensitive-it-scrolls-if-you breathe-on-it touchpad, and the keys that don't work unless you press them twice, I somehow managed to select all the text but one letter and delete.

IT wonders why I don't like them. I wonder why this POC laptop was available for anything other than spare parts. I wonder why the "just until we can get a better loaner for you, oh wonderful person who makes sure we get paid" laptop is still in my possession 3 weeks later.

I wonder who is sending me text messages at 2:45 in the morning.

 Hey - look at that.  It's been a month, and I've not updated.   The Hair On Fire never really goes out around here.  It's Girl ...